
Mountain View Mental Health | Greenville, SC | Treating Depression

If you were around in the 90s…

…Chances are you saw your fair share of commercials for antidepressants flash across your TV screen: "Are you feeling down or sad? Losing interest in things you enjoy? Like you have your own personal rain cloud following you around? Talk to your doctor about [insert prescription here]."

Depression symptoms can vary widely for each individual, but most people feel some constellation of symptoms AND these symptoms are negatively impacting their ability to function personally and/or professionally.


You May Experience:

  • Feeling sad, depressed, down, or blue

  • Loss of interest or pleasure, especially in things you usually enjoy 

  • Disruption in sleep or appetite 

  • Thoughts of harming yourself

*Thoughts of self-harm and suicidal ideation are a medical emergency. If you are experiencing these thoughts, please call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room right away.* 

Is depression disrupting your daily life?

There are proven, evidence-based tools and treatments that can help you live a healthier, fuller life.